Conflict Management and Enabling of a ‘Perfect’ Ending

5. Indicators of Collaborative/Cooperative Problems

There is a need to identify at the outset a set of indicators by which it can be identified if the collaborative/cooperative arrangement is experiencing serious difficulties or problems. These indicators can then be used to assess the extent to which the collaborative arrangement is in danger of failing

  • Are members unhappy about the operation of the collaboration/cooperative?
    • Extent of unhappiness on a scale of 1 (slight unhappiness) to 5 (total unhappiness)
  • Are all members, a minority or a majority unhappy/concerned?
  • Is there one common problem/issue or a number of problems/issues causing concern?
  • Are the issues/problems/challenges of a short-term or long-term nature?
  • Are members considering their options outside of the collaboration/cooperative?
  • Have members tried to address the issues/problems/challenges?
  • Are members concerned about the impact of the issues/problems on the collaboration/cooperative?
  • Have members sough external assistance to mediate discussion on issues/problems/challenges?




This questionnaire will allow you to evaluate the competences acquired by studying the module.