5. Legal framework
Any business decision for or against cooperation must also consider the legal aspects. Every entrepreneur has the need for security, in particular for legal certainty, if he thinks about forming a business cooperation.
You would like to have clarified the following questions above all:
We recommend you from the very beginning to:
Any cooperation agreement should be concluded in writing as oral cooperation agreements do not offer legal certainty. Of course in practice there is good and bad experience with both – written and oral agreements.
This crucial issue should be clarified and contracted before the cooperation begins. If there is no contractual arrangement between the partners, the later dispute is often "pre-programmed". The legal systems leave the partners a lot of scope for the contractual design for the use of intellectual property within a cooperation.
It should be regulated above all:
Please check your information about:
In any case, it is advised in these very individual concerns to seek appropriate technical support!
This questionnaire will allow you to evaluate the competences acquired by studying the module.